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Why do we fail?

 Why do we fail

I personally believe in 4D's are the major reason for your failure at macro level.Lets know about (4D's):-

1.Desire- As per studies, the one of the major reason of you lagging behind in your professional life might be your unwillingness of performing that particular job. Here, comes the factor of pride or the sense of achievement and accomplishment  which makes us feel contented after performing our job.If you are not feeling the sense of fulfillment after completing your tasks then you will surely struggle in performing your job after a certain period which will lead to a failure. "Great talent without willpower is a waste." That's why it's must that you willingly perform your jobs.

2.Direction:-There is an another reason why you might be not getting your desired results in your life which I personally feel the most specific one, people keep on performing the jobs whatever they are suggested to do or whatever falls in their path of life. Somehow, that's okay but the major question is about satisfaction. Before moving forward let's answer to these questions.

• Are you satisfied with your job?

• Are you using your full potential?

Here,I remember the some famous line's of a great author."That the saddest part is many people die with the music still in them." So, for "leading the life"(not just living) it's must to have direction in life.

3.Dedication:-Dedication makes you perform better in your specific area by crossing your boundaries and pushing your limits everyday. Dedication is the major reason which surely not let you feel boredom in your career because you are so desirely dedicated in giving your best and to achieve amazing outcomes every time. This only be possible when we are following our passions in positive direction with positive attitude. Passions never leads to failures. But the major task is of finding your passions in life, some people misunderstood their hobbies as their passion.

4.Discipline:-I personally believe that the concept of schools is not just about teaching, it's major contribution in everyone's life is in making them disciplined. Nowadays, the word discipline is so rigidified that they assume it almost impossible to attain. But it is way more easier when you have your priorities set. Discipline becomes your behaviour, it comes automatically when you have your goals set with action plans. Discipline is completing your tasks on time with your full potential. Discipline never disappoints us in our life's.

Let's get into some micro levels which leads to failures:-

1.Lack of priorities:-

                                      When we don't have our priorities right, we waste our time not realising that the time wasted is life wasted. Priorities keeps us on track in life. Priorities makes us capable of taking right decisions and actions about what needs to be done rather than actions based on mood and fancies.

2.Looking for shortcuts :-

                                            Their are no shortcuts in life. Many times in life we look for shortcuts or the easier way but mostly the easier way is turned out to be the tougher way.  You also might seen many people around you who are blindly busy in fulfilling their fancy desires, without knowing the ultimate effect of their actions on their life's. Losers for their short term pleasures and gain, suffers the long term pain.

3.Instant gratification:-

                                        Their are no quick fixes. This attitude leads to disappointments in life. Remember that when one goes for instant gratification one never thinks of consequences only of momentary pleasures.

4.Unwillingness to take risks:-

                                                    Risk takers are the only achievers. Wait, let's take a minute risk taking doesn't mean gambling foolishly and acting irresponsibly. Success involves the taking calculated risks. Responsible risk taking is must, it comes out of knowledge training and competence. The responsible risk taking gives you courage to fight with your fears.


  1. Suck an amazimg views. Gave me clarity and direction. Thanks.

  2. Deep lines πŸ«‚πŸ’—

  3. Its just greatπŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. 🀌🏻🀌🏻it was deep

  5. Amazing thoughts πŸ’­

  6. we really need to make life easy.

  7. Moj kaat di kalu ne

  8. Great thoughts ✨


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