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What makes you fight every battle in life?

 What do you think what makes you fight your battles? 

Some people might suggest things like hard work, focus, persistence, resilience etc. But if we study on more deeper level, research shows that these are all byproducts of something else, something is there that is more powerful and special which we can develop.
              Have you ever experienced the days in your lives when you even struggled to show up? What helps you there? What helps a person with depression? What helps a person suffering from havoc serious disease? What helps a person in Coma? 
It's Belief, yes you heard it right. 
Believing in yourself can make you do miracles in your life. It is something which is learned over the life. According to neuroscience, our brain is malleable. We can transform it into any form of choice. Every time we see everything falling apart in our lives, we face a series of rejections and lots of setbacks. That's the exact time when we have to believe in ourselves the most. It's only our belief that makes us take a step forward irrespective of all those failures. You never know what's amazing is there on the next page of our life. That one last time might be the only flipping moment of our life.

Our beliefs make us courageous.

In Thailand, there are groups of people who pierce their cheeks with bamboo without anaesthesia. In India, there are groups of people who put tor steel rods on their tongues and hooks on their bodies and they walk on fire. Yes, it seems like torture but they perform it voluntarily. What is it? It's their belief in themselves which them so courageous that they cross their boundaries. And firmly try to push limits.
When we believe that we are responsible for our lives and behaviour, our perception towards life changes for our betterment.

We need 3 things to believe in ourselves

1. We have to see and analyse ourselves deeply:- Who we are what we are? First and foremost we have to start knowing and accepting ourselves. If we won't accept ourselves then how can we expect others to accept us? We have to stand by ourselves no matter what. Whenever we start loosing hope we should dive into our past, when was the last time when we performed well. How did we do it? 

2. We have to think about ourselves:- If we know ourselves and accept ourselves. Now, we can think clearly about our betterment by knowing all of our pros and cons. By knowing and accepting our flaws and qualities we can think best for ourselves.

3. We have to act like we believe in ourselves:- The one who can think can act for its betterment. Our thoughts change our actions and our actions change our future.  
Please here's a special request I want you from today,
Whoever you look in the mirror, 
Please love and believe in what you see. 
If you can't love it, then respect it.
If you can't respect it, then encourage it.
If you can't encourage it, make sure to empower it.
If you can't empower it, please be kind to it. 

Believe that faith can make broken wings fly.

Please stand by yourself no matter what the situation is, and never give up on yourself. Every human being in this world is made with great values you just have to believe in yourself and use your potential.
                                                                                                                   ~Kalpana Saini 


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