I and you all have been judged by someone.Or might be, we are judging someone both the scenario can be true.
What judging someone means?
Making an rigid image or opinion about a particular person by just knowing some certain incidences.Jugdement comes by a fact might be you seem or consider yourself better than that certain person in that particular factor.
Be curious instead of being judgemental.
We literally have no idea what that particular person have been through. We have no idea what they have faced or facing right now. Before judging, make sure to took a step back before forming an image and Try to ask yourself "What happened to them?" What's the reason? Why they reacted the certain way?
According to child psychology, whatever happened to a person in their childhood is the reason of who they become today. For whatever you are judging a person might be due to their childhood trauma or abuse that have made them whatever they are today.A child always carries the experiences of their childhood traumas and abuse to their adulthood. What he experienced when they were abused or neglected or laughed at or made fun of during their childhood. Their experiences are the reason of their different reactions like anger, silence, isolation, obsession towards certain things in present because brain never forgets.
Body shaming is one the most common or childish way of judging someone. One who are still with mentality of kid does this. So instead of judging by its cover be curious what qualities that person might have been.
Let's read a story:-
Ramesh and Suresh are theives who got bail recently. They were searching for a rental apartment.Suresh got a room at Rajiv's home. Ramesh got a place at his neighbours house. Days passed on, one day Suresh stolen the Rajiv's saved money and left the home. Ramesh was staying still at neighbours home. Neighbour was scared of whatever happened with Rajiv he never wanted to be victim too. He locked all his money safely. Was still scared and had many sleepless nights. But the difference between Ramesh and Suresh was hidden in their pasts. Suresh used to steal things to fulfill his selfish motives and greed. But Ramesh stole the money to fulfill his hospitalised mothers expenses. That's why Suresh repeated the cycle and Ramesh never stolen anything after getting bail.
But here comes different analytics whom should we judge? Everything lies in the past. So just try to find out a person's past and their reasons of their certain acts. We should atleast give a chance to everyone after their mistakes but should act safely. And make sure to keep ourselves away from the cheaters after giving them a chance. If it's their habit they will surely repeat the cycle. We should stay away not by a fear of getting betrayed but for our mental peace. One who's mistakes have become their habits surely deserve's to be judged to keep yourself safe. Judge after a chance for your own mental peace and safety.
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