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How far our motivation will take us?


It is a compilation of two words (motive+action) motive for action. It is a driving force that encourages us to take action. It is an igniting spark to encourage us towards our goals.

Can you motivate someone? 

Absolutely not, No we can't motivate anyone. We can only inspire, encourage and support people to motivate themselves but we can't motivate them. Why? Because motivation is a inspired action. We can only inspire but we can't act for anyone. They have to act for themselves. And taking actions can only take us to new heights. Inspiration is thinking and when our thinking changes, it reflects in our actions and behaviour. If pain is greator than action it is a demotivator to actions. If gain is greator than pain it is a motivator. 

Motivation is of two types:-

External motivation comes from outside. External motivation can be helpful in short term. But for long run it can't help. It comes with a duration limit. It only lasts till your physical needs are met. 
                                        The external motivation can be money, societal status, fame, fear, bonuses, commission, recognition etc. These motivation lasts till they are not fulfilled. Yes, fear is also a motivator for eg: fear of getting scolded by parents makes us score good, or the fear of getting fired makes our job done. 
                                                                                  It is temporary. Motivation stays till the motivator stays. When motivator leaves, motivation is also gone. Monetary rewards are temporary and short lived they are not gratifying in long run. 

Internal motivation is basically linked with our feelings. Internal motivation is a feeling of inner gratification, that feeling of fulfillment that comes from our getting something done. Internal motivations are long lasting and are helpful in long run. 
                       Some other internal motivators are a sense of responsibility, accountability, ownership and appreciation. Appreciation is an external motivator but it's effect is internal, which makes us feel good. Our self-esteem goes up and makes us feel motivated. 
                         Feeling of responsibility is one of the greatest motivator. When we take our responsibility of our actions and behaviour. We actually try our best. Taking responsibilities makes us productive both personally and professionally. It improves our relationships at home and at work. Life becomes more fulfilling and meaningful.

                                                                                                                              ~Kalpana Saini 


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